32-bit Coin


An extremely rare and valuable coin that can be found in circulation

32-bit Coin is a Material in Bloodstained: Ritual of The Night. It is used as a component to craft various items. Materials can be found in various ways such as enemy or boss drops, scattered in various locations, inside treasure chests, sold by Merchants, and by dismantling items. Materials can be given to Johannes and are mainly used as ingredients for Crafting.



 32-bit Coin Use


How to Find 32-bit Coin



32-bit Coin Notes & Tips

  • ??
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16-bit Coin  ♦  8-bit Coin  ♦  8-bit Nightmare  ♦  Alexandrite  ♦  Alkahest  ♦  Aquatic Blood  ♦  Bat Fang  ♦  Bixbite  ♦  Bovine Plume  ♦  Bronze  ♦  Cannon Scrap  ♦  Cashmere  ♦  Chair Remnants  ♦  Crimsonite  ♦  Crystal  ♦  Cypress  ♦  Damascus  ♦  Demon Bone  ♦  Demon Claw  ♦  Demon Dog Fang  ♦  Demon Eye  ♦  Demon Fang  ♦  Demon Heart  ♦  Demon Horn  ♦  Demon Pelt  ♦  Demon Tail  ♦  Demon Wing  ♦  Diamond  ♦  Dragon's Wrath  ♦  Dragon Bone  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Dragon Scale  ♦  Dragon Talons  ♦  Dreadful Rag  ♦  Durable Leather  ♦  Durable Rag  ♦  Eastern Fabric  ♦  Ectoplasm  ♦  Egg  ♦  Elm  ♦  Emerald  ♦  Faerie Dust  ♦  Faerie Wing  ♦  Fiend Eye  ♦  Fiend Fang  ♦  Fiend Heart  ♦  Fiend Pelt  ♦  Fiend Skull  ♦  Flight Feather  ♦  Gargoyle Stone  ♦  Gold  ♦  Grotesque Shell  ♦  Gunpowder  ♦  Halite  ♦  Hellhorse Hoof  ♦  Hellhorse Mane  ♦  Hemp  ♦  Houndskin  ♦  Imbrued Bone  ♦  Imbrued Fang  ♦  Imbrued Skull  ♦  Inhuman Carapace  ♦  Iron  ♦  Leonine Pelt  ♦  Lili Ears  ♦  Lili Tail  ♦  Lion Lord's Mane  ♦  Lion Mane  ♦  Lycan Claw  ♦  Mahogany  ♦  Melting Bone  ♦  Melting Skull  ♦  Mercury  ♦  Mithril  ♦  Monster Bird Hair  ♦  Monster Bird Tear  ♦  Monster Blood  ♦  Monster Fang  ♦  Monster Fur  ♦  Monster Horn  ♦  Oak  ♦  Obsidian  ♦  Orichalcum  ♦  Platinum  ♦  Queen's Tail  ♦  Queen's Tears  ♦  Rat Tail  ♦  Rat Teeth  ♦  Ruby  ♦  Saltpeter  ♦  Sapphire  ♦  Sharp Razor  ♦  Silk  ♦  Silver  ♦  Sinister Eye  ♦  Sinister Fang  ♦  Sinister Heart  ♦  Sinister Pelt  ♦  Sinister Rag  ♦  Sinister Skull  ♦  Slimy Leather  ♦  Small Webbing  ♦  Steel  ♦  Strange Leather  ♦  Sulfate  ♦  Sulfur  ♦  Sword Fragment  ♦  Thunderbird Plume  ♦  Toad Eye  ♦  Toad Heart  ♦  Toad Webbing  ♦  Tome Scrap  ♦  Vespine Stinger  ♦  Vespine Wing  ♦  Walnut  ♦  Water Horse Hoof  ♦  Water Horse Mane  ♦  Witch's Tears  ♦  Wool  ♦  Writhing Limb



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    • Anonymous

      If you're looking to save the pain of saving up for one of these, beating a Course2 boss rush for the first time awards one (And yes, Course1 does give a 16 bit coin)

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