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Ambivalence is a Melee Weapon and is one of the Weapons in Bloodstained: Ritual of The Night. Ambivalence is a Craftable Item. Weapons are used to deal damage to Enemies and Bosses. Different weapons have different attack values and are therefore more or less effective.



A whip bound by powers of darkness. Charge it to release its light.


Where to find Ambivalence



How to use Ambivalence

  • This weapon may deal either Light or Dark damage.
  • If you hold the attack button, it will charge and then change it's elemental damage to Light or Dark.



Ambivalence Notes

  • Ambivalence is a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, hence the name of the weapon.



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    • Anonymous

      if you attack mid air while jumping the long animation that normally plays won't play at all, letting you quick jump to attack rapidly. (this works with every weapon but is especially noticeable with whips)

      • Anonymous

        Holding the whip changes the elements of many shards to match the whip. If it doesn't change the element to light or dark it sometimes adjusts damage input by percentages (proving this isn't a glitch)

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